Sporttrac console repair
Researched and found the overhead console repair procedure here. As usual, much thanks to all who contribute. Soldering the little resistors with my 61 year old hands was challenging to say the least.
A couple of hints to those who have not done it yet:
1.) The procedure I found was for a console with the sunroof option, for those (like me) without a sunroof, there are two phillips head screws in the little storage (garage door opener) compartment that need to come out, rather than the clip at the sunroof trim. The console will be loose after you remove the screws. You might take note of the angle (if any) the screws.
2.) To remove the console from the roof after the screws are out you need to pull straight down vertically (this was a little unclear to me at first) . Grip the console about three inches from the front (windshield side) on both sides and pull firmly. It is held in place with metal clips going into a metal bracket, so a little force is needed.
3.) You can test your job before reassembly by reconnecting the bare circuit board to the connector in the truck. (Turns out my first attempt at soldering was not good enough). PDACPA Mod Page