Angel eyes - DTM Power: "In my opinion, that all depends on where you plan on placing the switch.
Step 1: Locate a wire near that location that has constant power.
Using the cigarette lighter for example or possibly the line leading to the glove box light (you need find the one leading to trigger, not after, or you will have to have you glove box open to have the lights on, ha). There are a plethera of different options.
Step 2: Once you have located that wire, you can start the process. Run the power wire off the inverter (I think that the CCFL lights come with a power invertor) to your switch location.
Step 3: Ground out the CCFL tubes from the invertor.
Step 4: Run a wire, spliced off of your chosen constant power line (ie. cigerette lighter), to the switch location.
Step 5: Plug both the consant power wire and power lines from the lights into each prong on the switch (lighted switches will have 3 prongs and you will have a ground)
Then you can test to see if they work which they should, unless I have missed something.
If, by chance, there is no inverter, you will want to install an inline fuse from the lights to restrict amperage.
I hope this helps."